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Make a Gift Online

Please fill in the following information to make a credit card gift and hit the “submit” button below. Your gift will be handled by a secure server and will be processed as soon as possible. Thank you for your gift to St. Sebastian’s Annual Fund.

From the classrooms to the fields, in the arts and in technology, the students at St. Sebastian’s will feel the impact of your generosity every day.

Please contact Julie Duddy at or 781-247-0107 for further details on specific giving questions.

Or donate via Venmo @stsebs right from your phone! 

Giving Levels

Platinum Society
$100,000 or more

Founder’s Society
$50,000 ­– $99,999

Benefactor’s Society
$25,000 ­– $49,999

Cardinal O’Connell Society
$20,000 ­– $24,999

Golden Arrow Society
$15,000 ­– $19,999

Shield Society
$10,000 ­– $14,999

President’s Society
$5,000 ­– $9,999

Headmaster’s Society
$2,500 ­– $4,999

St. Sebastian’s Society
$1,500 ­– $2,499

Quiver Society
$1,000 ­– $1,499