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Health & Wellness

We’re committed to supporting the mind, body, and spirit of every student at St. Sebastian’s. Our programming strives to help each Arrow thrive in all aspects and at every stage of his journey by surrounding him with a network of support that nurtures his physical, emotional, and academic well-being. From providing healthy lunch options and athletic training services, to counseling and peer education, health and wellness is an integral part of the student experience.

St. Sebastian’s is grateful to Karen Johnson P’15,’17,’22 for her tireless efforts and guidance in developing and growing our Health & Wellness programming and to the Johnson-McCarthy Fund for supporting this initiative.

Strategic Plan: Health & Wellness Pillar

Learn more about our specific goals and initiatives to expand and prioritize our programming in the Health & Wellness Pillar of St. Sebastian's Strategic Plan. 

Services & Programs

Our school community is one where each boy is known, and loved. As part of our approach to knowing and caring for our students, we provide a range of health and wellness support services and programs, with a special focus in the first two years on setting them up for success at St. Sebastian's and beyond. 

Drawing on our strengths as a faith-based school, St. Sebastian’s ensures that our environment and curriculum are aligned with current best practices for mental health and wellbeing. David Hinman, Coordinator of Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness News

Peer Education Program

Through St. Sebastian's Peer Education Program, trained upperclassmen serve as student role models who facilitate discussion with 7th and 8th graders on a range of health topics and share their experience and wisdom. 

theater performance

2nd Act, a collective of artists put on a theater production to address the impact of substance abuse on Thursday, March 30 at St. Sebastian's.