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The Retreat Program at St. Sebastian’s is a powerful way for students to grow in spirit and to strengthen the bonds that unite them.

10th grade retreat

The Nature of the Experience...

St. Sebastian's students reflect on what the Retreat experience has meant to them.

“Through the retreat, I strengthened my relationships with my friends, my teacher, myself and God. The two days were filled with laughter and great memories. It was nearly impossible not to get something positive out of the experience.”

– Johnny McCarthy ’17
"Each year, the Class Retreats are a welcome break from the busy school routine, but the Senior Retreat added another layer. With the end of my time at Seb's coming to a close, and the added stresses of tough courses and college, I wanted to reflect on my years as an Arrow. Time spent with fellow Arrows, in such nice setting as the Cape, with spiritual direction from Fr. Arens and other faculty members, solidified and strengthened the bonds we had made. The Retreat offered both a communal and individual experience, from celebrating Mass together to spending an hour alone in silence. The Retreat was fun and relaxing, but also deeply powerful, a time when we as seniors could slow down and appreciate the Blessings and relationships from our Seb’s experience."
"My trip out to Centerville was one of the most rewarding Retreats that I have experienced at St. Sebastian’s. Moreover, I thought the group that went benefited as a whole. I think it helped much of the class realize that we have a lot of maturing to do before we take on leadership. I also believe that it allowed for the class to be more in contact with our faith lives. Many of us have considered that in the coming year, we will try to attend more morning Masses and times of prayer."
– Jackson McKeigue ’17
“I have never done this before, and my experience was one I would do again. I especially loved the silent time and the opportunity afforded to look more closely at our own person. I also saw my classmates in a new light. Before we started, we took our shoes off and just enjoyed being on the beach together. I also enjoyed the pure happiness and energy of just playing whiffle ball. The sign of peace at Mass was a deep experience of love for one another. The sound of the breaking of the bread of the eucharist made the intangible tangible.”

– Raffi Barsamian ’17