Parents’ Independent School Network
The Parents' Independent School Network (PIN) is a volunteer group of parents with
children attending New England area independent schools. PIN was formed in 1985 by
the president of the Rivers School Parent League as a means for parents to come
together and exchange information among Boston area independent schools. St.
Sebastian's was one of the ten founding members. Current PIN membership includes
over 65 schools and represents all facets of the independent school community, including
lower, middle and secondary schools with day and boarding, single-sex, and
co-educational communities. St. Sebastian's has parent representatives who attend
six meetings each year to share information, listen to speakers, and participate in
discussion groups about non-academic topics relevant to our schools and our students.
All parents of member schools are welcome to all meetings, and information and some
minutes to these meetings are on the PIN website. The website also provides access to
announcements from other member schools that may be of interest to independent school
parents (such as presentations, speakers, etc.). From the homepage, it is easy to
navigate to meeting minutes and the PIN Community Bulletin Board, by selecting the
appropriate tabs. PIN kindly requests that access to the website be limited to parents of
member schools.
To access the PIN Calendar and for more information please log on to the Parent Portal.
Please contact your representative with any questions: Rebecca Wasynczuk, Katy Wallace, and Jenn Queally.