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Prayer during chapel time.


Every student knows - and strives to live - the order of the day: "Love God, work hard, and take good care of one another." Neither apologetic nor arrogant about our Catholic faith, we are wonderfully enriched by students from other faith traditions, or no faith traditions. Clearly, the message of Jesus is one of inclusion, not exclusion.

Our students pray together in Chapel and in Church. They serve God and neighbor through countless hours of community service. Each sports team is blessed by our beloved Chaplain, Father John Arens, at the start of the season. Theology classes and retreats help each young man to explore and deepen his faith and strengthen his moral compass.

We seek to inspire the integrated, happy, healthy, holy life that God wants us to live. We want our young men to go on to the most appropriate, most excellent colleges for them, and we want them to graduate prepared to commit themselves to the mission of making this world a much better place. And we want them to go to heaven. Everything we do at St. Sebastian’s will be done with this sense of ultimate purpose ever before us.