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St. Sebastian's Celebrates Homecoming 2023

St. Sebastian's Celebrates Homecoming 2023

Marking an annual rite of fall, St. Sebastian’s celebrated Homecoming weekend on Friday, October 13 and Saturday, October 14. The extended Arrows family came together in support of our cross country, football and soccer teams and made their way back to 1191 Greendale Ave.

On Friday, cross country took on Belmont Hill at the Rashi School. John Joyce ’27 continued his winning ways this season with his fourth victory in a row, but the Arrows came up short in this tightly contested dual meet. Continuing a Homecoming tradition, Henry's Corner showed up in full force to cheer on the runners. 

Saturday morning kicked off at 9:30 AM in Martin Hall where Coach Bob Souza’s remarkable 40+ year term of service to St. Sebastian’s was recognized. Players from across the generations came back to pay tribute to a coach who meant so much to all of them. Speaking on behalf of all alumni was Matt Noone ’86, P’19,’22. In a relationship spanning over 40 years, Matt’s relationship with Coach Souza evolved from player to colleague to lifelong friend. He encapsulated Coach Souza in a poignant and personal speech.

“Anyone who ever played for Souza knows the 52 ISO. That play perhaps more than anything embodies the spirit of our Coach. On the surface it looks like a simple play, a straightforward run. But upon closer look it is a sophisticated play that has layers and layers of brilliance. To run the play successfully, your team must be committed to it, and it must be tough. Although it looks like a simple run, all 11 players need to work together and all 11 of those players are as important as the guy carrying the ball. And to run it well in a game, you must show up every day at practice and work at it. For over 40 years Coach Souza was the ISOLATION play. An unassuming man with straightforward values. What you see is what you get. Honest, tough, and committed to each and every player he ever coached. He believed we could do it and he valued role players and younger players as much as the stars of the teams. He showed up every day and gave it his all to make us better. So, on behalf all of his former players, colleagues and parents who never took the time to say it, thank you Coach Souza for dedicating your life to us and St. Sebastian’s.”

Walking through an honor guard of former players, Coach Souza was welcomed to midfield by Headmaster Burke and served as St. Sebastian’s Honorary Captain and took the coin flip. Derron St. Marie ’24, Ben Goffredo ’24 and Music Director Karl Grohmann led the large Homecoming crowd assembled on Arrows Rise in singing the National Anthem before the varsity football and soccer games kicked off. The Arrows faced Tabor in a gridiron battle that went down to the wire, falling 38-28. Over on the soccer field, the Arrows came out victorious in a hotly contested match against rival Belmont Hill, 3-2.

It was great seeing so many alumni make their way home to St. Sebastian’s. Congratulations to all our Arrows athletes for representing the red and black so well!