On the evening of January 30, more than 90 parents of alumni gathered in Martin Hall for the second annual Quinquennial Society Reception.
Arrows Alumni Community
Welcome home, alumni! Once in, never out. Arrows Forever! While many things have changed over the years, the School's mission and core values remain the same. We encourage you to explore the Alumni Section of the website for news, networking opportunities, events and updates, but more importantly, we look forward to seeing you on campus and at alumni events throughout the year!
Alumni Social Media Channels
Are you on Facebook? If you are, join our Alumni Facebook Group! A place where you can get regular updates on current alumni happenings, events, class updates, St. Sebastian's factoids, etc. Stay in the loop with your fellow Arrows and never miss a beat on all things St. Sebastian's!
Group Name: St. Sebastian's School Alumni
Are you on LinkedIn? If so, be sure to follow our LinkedIn page and add us to your educational profile!