The philosophy of the Religion Department is rooted deeply in the Judeo-Christian tradition, which sees all persons as valued and sacred, as made in the image of God. The Department's mission is, indeed, the School's mission--to help young men grow in wisdom and grace, and in their capacities to know, love, and serve God and neighbor.
True to the teachings of the Catholic Church, and appreciative of the teachings of diverse religious traditions, all students are invited to God in an inclusive way through a variety of courses and programs. In providing a basic knowledge of Catholic theology, the academic goal is to help students acquire broad based religious literacy, including knowledge and appreciation of other religions. Similar to other academic course offerings, religion courses foster the continued development of reading and writing skills, and they demand critical and incisive thinking. In its required courses, the department seeks to evoke in all students the search for Truth, as well as to engage all students in the quest for meaning.
In addition to intellectual development, the department shares the responsibility of moral and ethical development with the larger School community. Love of neighbor, the centerpiece of Christian life, is the fundamental choice which students are called to make. In their daily interactions, all students are encouraged to both live and promote the gospel values. Community service plays a vital role within the curriculum, and students are encouraged to pursue service opportunities through School-sponsored programs and in their local communities.
Spiritually, the department aspires to deepen the religious awareness and active faith lives of all students. The Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation are offered on a regular basis, and the department works to help Catholic students prepare to be confirmed in their local parish. To further help students nurture and deepen their relationship with God, the department sponsors frequent retreats and days of reflection. As students grow in understanding and respect for their own religious culture, they are encouraged to continue the significant spiritual journeys they have already begun.