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Virtual 2020 Yearbook Reception

Virtual 2020 Yearbook Reception

While many traditions have been altered during the COVID era, they are still being honored. On Wednesday, November 25, the Class of 2020 met via Zoom for the annual Yearbook Reception. Every graduate received their yearbook and a bound copy of all of their chapel speeches by mail prior to the event. Student Council President Jeff Serowik ’20 welcomed his classmates back and called on them to stay connected even though the times make it challenging. 

Despite not being able to gather in person, the Class of 2020 did get the opportunity to hear from fellow alumnus Dan Daly ’61, P’88,’92, GP’23. After graduating from St. Sebastian’s, Mr. Daly attended Harvard University and eventually served his country in Vietnam as a Swift Boat Commander. He emphasized the opportunity to maintain St. Sebastian’s relationships, grow through adversity and make a difference with your talents. Following the programmed portion of the gathering, the Class of 2020 joined breakout sessions with faculty members who were on the call to welcome them home to St. Sebastian’s. Although the circumstances made it impossible to gather, the virtual reception offered the Class of 2020 the opportunity to see each other and mark an annual tradition to begin the Thanksgiving weekend.

2020 Yearbook cover