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St. Sebastian's 2nd Annual Christmas Initiative at San Miguel School

St. Sebastian's 2nd Annual Christmas Initiative at San Miguel School

On Friday, December 13, 11 seniors and 3 freshmen travelled with Assistant Head of School Mike Nerbonne to the San Miguel School in Providence, RI to participate in our second annual Christmas Initiative organized and directed by parents Marie Carroll P '25, '28, '30, Noel Stavaridis P'24, '25, '27, and Katie Wallace P '25.

Students and parents in the senior and freshman classes had collected over 150 gifts for the San Miguel students to give their parents, caregivers or other loved ones for Christmas. San Miguel students came to their gymnasium by class where they were greeted by the St. Sebastian's students who then helped them select gifts which were displayed all around the gym. They then proceeded to tables where they could select gift bags and wrapping paper and write Christmas cards for their recipients.

All kinds of board games followed, as well as some chess matches, which gave the San Miguel and St. Sebastian's students a wonderful opportunity to spend some time together and get to know one another. We look forward to continuing this beautiful new tradition in coming years.

Thank you to the students and parents in the senior and freshmen classes for their incredible generosity and a very special note of thanks to Marie Carroll and Katie Wallace for imagining this spectacular project and bringing it to fruition.

Seniors Declan Carroll and William Wallace were the student leaders on this project, organized the trip portion and were joined by their classmates, Connor Carroll, Chris Lynch, Devin Maguire, Teddy McKeigue, Ben Molinsky, Luc Olivier, Peter Stavaridis, Joe Spagnuolo, Crosby Thurmond, and three freshmen, Connor Carroll, Brooks Carter, and Connor McDonald.